2021-22 Federal Budget

2021-22 Federal Budget

The 2021-22 Federal Budget, released on Tuesday evening, has been described as the “Balancing Act Budget” by some commentators due to the numerous demands that the government is trying to manage: the continued recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the ballooning deficit, investment in the long-term and the fact it is an election year!

Key initiatives from the budget include:

  • Extension of temporary full expensing and loss-carry back providing immediate deductions for business investment in capital assets
  • Changes to superannuation legislation, enabling greater investment in retirement
  • Introduction of a ‘patent box’ offering tax concessions on income derived from medical and biotech patents
  • Tax and investment incentives for the digital economy
  • Extension of the low and middle income tax offset
  • Child care subsidy increase for families with multiple children
  • $17.7 billion over 5 years to reform aged care
  • $2.3 billion on mental health infrastructure and programs
  • New and extended home ownership programs for first home owners and single parents

For further details in relation to the 2021-22 Federal Budget please refer to our comprehensive summary of key initiatives.

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