Launching CountPro

PPT Professional and PPT Audit, led by Directors Phillip Brown and Jason Hargreaves, have rebranded to CountPro effective 1 April 2021. While the PPT Professional …

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CountPro Interview
Our Directors, Jason Hargreaves and Phil Brown, were interviewed by ...
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Increase to the super guarantee rate

Although not announced as part of this year’s Federal Budget, it’s important for employers to note that the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate will increase from ...
Business Awards Finalists

2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards

The team at CountPro are excited and proud to have been selected as finalists in the following categories of the 2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat ...

The 120% technology and skills ‘boost’ deduction

The 120% skills and training, and technology costs deduction for small and medium business have passed Parliament. We’ll show you how to take maximise your ...
scott-graham-5fNmWej4tAA-unsplash (1)

What changed on 1 July 2023

A summary of the important changes that came into effect on 1 July 2023.   Employers & business Superannuation guarantee increases to 11% from 10.5% ...

CountPro Team Profile – Kiri Fry

Last week we caught up with Administration Manager, Kiri fry, to ask the tough questions…   When did you join the team at CountPro? Back ...

CountPro TV stars!

Our team will be on Win TV as part of the 2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards!
0823 Tax refund

Why is my tax refund so small?

The tax refund many Australians expect has dramatically reduced. We show you why.   There is a psychology to tax refunds that successive Governments have ...

Succession: What does it take to hand your business to the next generation?

What is the end game for your business? Succession is not just a topic for a TV series or billionaire families, it’s about successfully transitioning ...
0823 KSM Subdivision

Thinking of subdividing? The tax implications and pitfalls of small-scale subdivisions

You’ve got a block of land that’s perfect for a subdivision. The details have all been worked out with Council, the builders, and the bank. ...

Business Awards Success

The CountPro team was thrilled to take out two awards at the recently held 2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards. In their 35th ...
Mick - profile

CountPro Team Profile – Michael Hutton

Join us as we catch up with Auditor, and sports enthusiast, Michael Hutton…   When did you join the team at CountPro? I started on ...
volunteer 1

Not-for-profits – enhancing the transparency of income tax exemptions

The ATO has published details of reforms to the administration of not-for-profit (NFP) entities that self-assess as income tax exempt. Information from the ATO website ...

$20k deduction for ‘electrifying’ your business

Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges business towards energy efficiency. We show you how ...
holiday home

The ‘Airbnb’ Tax

Property investors that choose to utilise their property for short-term stays (or leave it vacant) are firmly in the sights of the regulators.   The ...

30% tax on super earnings above $3m

Treasury has released draft legislation to enact the Government’s plan to increase the tax rate on earnings on superannuation balances above $3m from 15% to ...

Self-education: What can you claim?

The Australian Taxation Office have released a new draft ruling on self-education expenses. We revisit the deductibility of self-education expenses and what you can and ...
kids soccer 2

New regulations for Incorporated Associations

New regulations for incorporated associations in Victoria came into effect on 18 November 2023. These new regulations include updates to the model rules which some ...
stage 3

The Redesigned Stage 3 Personal Income Tax Cuts

The personal income tax cuts legislated to commence on 1 July 2024 will be realigned and redistributed under a proposal released by the Federal Government. ...

Non-charitable not-for-profits self-review return guide

As part of the 2021-22 federal budget, the Australian Government announced reforms to the administration of not-for-profit (NFP) entities that self-assess as income tax exempt. ...

The Fringe Benefits Tax traps

The Fringe Benefits Tax year (FBT) ends on 31 March. We explore the problem areas likely to attract the ATO’s attention.   Electric vehicles causing ...

The ATO Debt Dilemma

Late last year, thousands of taxpayers and their agents were advised by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that they had an outstanding historical tax debt. ...

How to take advantage of the 1 July super cap increase

From 1 July 2024, the amount you can contribute to super will increase. We show you how to take advantage of the change.   The ...

Getting back what you put in: Loans to get a business started

It’s not uncommon for business owners to pour their money into a business to get it up and running and to sustain it until it ...

Revised stage 3 tax cuts confirmed for 1 July

The revised stage 3 tax cuts have passed Parliament and will come into effect on 1 July 2024.   Before the new tax rates come ...
budget -2789112_1920

Budget 2024-2025

The 2024-25 Federal Budget is the third for the Albanese Government and consistent with previous years, the primary themes are expected to be the cost ...
business worth -7KkDiSs5UdQ-unsplash

How much is my business worth?

For many small business owners, their business is their largest asset and for many, one that is expected to help fund their retirement. But what ...
professional services - lady-justice-2388500_1920

The assault on professional services

The ATO has signalled that it is willing to pursue professional services firms who divert profits to avoid tax.   Two new cases before the ...
SMSF asset valuation

Warning on SMSF asset valuations

The ATO has issued a warning to trustees of SMSFs about sloppy valuation practices.   ATO data analysis has revealed that over 16,500 self managed ...

The Essential 30 June Guide

The end of the financial year is fast approaching. We outline the areas at risk of increased ATO scrutiny and the opportunities to maximise your ...

ATO fires warning shot on trust distributions

The ATO has warned that it is looking closely at how trusts distribute income and to who.   The way in which trusts distribute income ...

What’s changing on 1 July 2024?

Here’s a brief summary of the key changes coming into effect on 1 July 2024: Tax cuts reduce personal income tax rates and change the ...
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$20k Small Business Energy Incentive

In a pre-Budget announcement, the Government committed to a Small Business Energy Incentive Scheme that offers a bonus tax deduction of up to $20,000.   ...
rental blitz

ATO Rental Property Blitz

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a full-on assault on rental property owners who incorrectly report income and expenses.   The ATO’s assessment, based ...

Increase to the super guarantee rate

Although not announced as part of this year’s Federal Budget, it’s important for employers to note that the superannuation guarantee (SG) rate will increase from ...
Business Awards Finalists

2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards

The team at CountPro are excited and proud to have been selected as finalists in the following categories of the 2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat ...

The 120% technology and skills ‘boost’ deduction

The 120% skills and training, and technology costs deduction for small and medium business have passed Parliament. We’ll show you how to take maximise your ...
scott-graham-5fNmWej4tAA-unsplash (1)

What changed on 1 July 2023

A summary of the important changes that came into effect on 1 July 2023.   Employers & business Superannuation guarantee increases to 11% from 10.5% ...

CountPro Team Profile – Kiri Fry

Last week we caught up with Administration Manager, Kiri fry, to ask the tough questions…   When did you join the team at CountPro? Back ...

CountPro TV stars!

Our team will be on Win TV as part of the 2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards!
0823 Tax refund

Why is my tax refund so small?

The tax refund many Australians expect has dramatically reduced. We show you why.   There is a psychology to tax refunds that successive Governments have ...

Succession: What does it take to hand your business to the next generation?

What is the end game for your business? Succession is not just a topic for a TV series or billionaire families, it’s about successfully transitioning ...
0823 KSM Subdivision

Thinking of subdividing? The tax implications and pitfalls of small-scale subdivisions

You’ve got a block of land that’s perfect for a subdivision. The details have all been worked out with Council, the builders, and the bank. ...

Business Awards Success

The CountPro team was thrilled to take out two awards at the recently held 2023 Federation University Commerce Ballarat Business Excellence Awards. In their 35th ...
Mick - profile

CountPro Team Profile – Michael Hutton

Join us as we catch up with Auditor, and sports enthusiast, Michael Hutton…   When did you join the team at CountPro? I started on ...
volunteer 1

Not-for-profits – enhancing the transparency of income tax exemptions

The ATO has published details of reforms to the administration of not-for-profit (NFP) entities that self-assess as income tax exempt. Information from the ATO website ...

$20k deduction for ‘electrifying’ your business

Electricity is the new black. Gas and other fossil fuels are out. A new, limited incentive nudges business towards energy efficiency. We show you how ...
holiday home

The ‘Airbnb’ Tax

Property investors that choose to utilise their property for short-term stays (or leave it vacant) are firmly in the sights of the regulators.   The ...

30% tax on super earnings above $3m

Treasury has released draft legislation to enact the Government’s plan to increase the tax rate on earnings on superannuation balances above $3m from 15% to ...

Self-education: What can you claim?

The Australian Taxation Office have released a new draft ruling on self-education expenses. We revisit the deductibility of self-education expenses and what you can and ...
kids soccer 2

New regulations for Incorporated Associations

New regulations for incorporated associations in Victoria came into effect on 18 November 2023. These new regulations include updates to the model rules which some ...
stage 3

The Redesigned Stage 3 Personal Income Tax Cuts

The personal income tax cuts legislated to commence on 1 July 2024 will be realigned and redistributed under a proposal released by the Federal Government. ...

Non-charitable not-for-profits self-review return guide

As part of the 2021-22 federal budget, the Australian Government announced reforms to the administration of not-for-profit (NFP) entities that self-assess as income tax exempt. ...

The Fringe Benefits Tax traps

The Fringe Benefits Tax year (FBT) ends on 31 March. We explore the problem areas likely to attract the ATO’s attention.   Electric vehicles causing ...

The ATO Debt Dilemma

Late last year, thousands of taxpayers and their agents were advised by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) that they had an outstanding historical tax debt. ...

How to take advantage of the 1 July super cap increase

From 1 July 2024, the amount you can contribute to super will increase. We show you how to take advantage of the change.   The ...

Getting back what you put in: Loans to get a business started

It’s not uncommon for business owners to pour their money into a business to get it up and running and to sustain it until it ...

Revised stage 3 tax cuts confirmed for 1 July

The revised stage 3 tax cuts have passed Parliament and will come into effect on 1 July 2024.   Before the new tax rates come ...
budget -2789112_1920

Budget 2024-2025

The 2024-25 Federal Budget is the third for the Albanese Government and consistent with previous years, the primary themes are expected to be the cost ...
business worth -7KkDiSs5UdQ-unsplash

How much is my business worth?

For many small business owners, their business is their largest asset and for many, one that is expected to help fund their retirement. But what ...
professional services - lady-justice-2388500_1920

The assault on professional services

The ATO has signalled that it is willing to pursue professional services firms who divert profits to avoid tax.   Two new cases before the ...
SMSF asset valuation

Warning on SMSF asset valuations

The ATO has issued a warning to trustees of SMSFs about sloppy valuation practices.   ATO data analysis has revealed that over 16,500 self managed ...

The Essential 30 June Guide

The end of the financial year is fast approaching. We outline the areas at risk of increased ATO scrutiny and the opportunities to maximise your ...

ATO fires warning shot on trust distributions

The ATO has warned that it is looking closely at how trusts distribute income and to who.   The way in which trusts distribute income ...

What’s changing on 1 July 2024?

Here’s a brief summary of the key changes coming into effect on 1 July 2024: Tax cuts reduce personal income tax rates and change the ...

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